Sofia Aveiro-Pita
Assistant Squash Coach & Personal Trainer
Sofia is a level two coach with over 5 years experience in teaching squash. Working with players of all ages and abilities, Sofia is a favourite with our juniors. As well as coaching, Sofia is currently the Portuguese number one female player and competes on the PSA world tour (HR 130). As Cambridgeshire County Champion she has worked with some of the best coaches around and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her coaching.
England Squash Level-two Coach
Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
Individual and group squash coaching
Personal Training
Individual Squash Coaching: Adults £18/Juniors £14
Group Squash Coaching: £18
All sessions are 40mins duration and prices inclusive of court booking. To book a session, contact Sofia by phone 07446 600003, or email admin@sportsacademycic.co.uk.